When global becomes local.
Manage multiple offices with Virtual Office Manager, our web-based groupware solution.
Virtual Office Manager is a web-based groupware solution with a comprehensive project management module. The modular structure of V.O.M. software made for the coordination of group work and for shared access, as well as processing information and documents via intranet and Internet. Virtual Office Manager includes the following components: File management Mail client Group calendar Project management Timecard Virtual Office Manager works with numerous protocols such as LDAP, SOAP and WebDAV, and is available for 36 languages and database systems.
Virtual Office Manager is constantly being improved by our dynamic development team. With over 40,000 installations worldwide, Virtual Office Manager is one of the most widely used groupware and office solutions on the basis of the LAMP IT stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). As service provider, we assist our customers in the customization, integration and support of this highly scalable groupware and office solution in their business environment. Security & Privacy We take every effort to make sure you are safe. We have strict rules about transportation and care of your information, as soon as your information is in our care; it is protected with our servers’ security protocols.
How do we protect you? – Since 2007 e-Dolmen has been managing mail for thousands of satisfied clients. We take pride in providing a quality service to you. Only a limited number of staff is allowed to process your info. Our Private Digital Certificate – using SSL encryption, protects your login and connection. We also have authenticated our server to PCI level security standards. Secure online transactions – Your Transaction information is stored on the E Dolmen High security database, which is maintained, by bank standard firewalls and stringent security protocols.
What Is a Virtual Office?